Monday, December 24, 2012

The holidays

My family is home for the holidays and i was so excited. My boyfriend came home & I was so excited. My family has proved to be a joy. My babygirl Ari is being a baby, my boobie Mikey is being a little boy. My little brothers are being a tad less annoying. My sisters are being, well sisters. This is my life, I love these people.
Im always a little bit happier during the holiday season. I always give a little bit more slack. I always do. But the holidays are also one of the most stressful times for me. So when im texting you or talking to you trying to be happy, cordial,  & okay & you decide to talk back with an attitude or short word me, im gonna get irritated. Im gonna remove myself from the situation & I will not come back until YOU seek me out.
Dont take my good mood for granted. But, its family time & its time to make the kids cookies.  God Bless, Merry Christmas, & Happy Holidays.
Im outtie .

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Sandy Hook, Conneticut Shooting

20 children, 6 adults. A truly traumatizing experience for the children, staff and families of that school and community. ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE to say the least. I hope everyone can take the time to have a moment of silence for those families and that school and community. I will keep them all in my prayers and i pray that you do the same. The heroism displayed was truly remarkable and courageous. PLEASE everyone , keep praying for that community that truly need all the support they can get at this time.

Also, if you would like to give a message of support to the families,  you can text HOPE 38383 . Or visit for more details.
Kimmi&Nani .  Merp.

Monday, December 17, 2012


Hope is a drug. It blinds you from all that is reality. It alters your state of being, allowing you to deal with things you never would and indulge in situations you would normally avoid. It messes with your sight allowing you to see things that do not exist. 

My advice to all: don't get excited for things that are not manifested(real) Unless things are, in reality, positive,keep up your guard. do not allow people to walk in and stab and twist a knife in your heart. REMEMBER that you are a wonderful person and no one can should be able to come into your life and leave it in pieces without having the audacity to clean up the mess they made. Remember who you are and let no one make you happy because only YOU can make yourself happy. Don't give someone 70% of yourself and leave you with only 30. Stay true to yourself :)

Sunday, December 16, 2012


  "Rome wasnt built in a day"... I'm trying hard to remember that even God took time to create earth. 

---- As a senior in high school, there's alot going on. As a long distance girlfriend, there's alot of stress that comes with the relationship. As a battered child, there is alot of emotions and issues that has to remain hidden. & As an insignificant puzzle piece to an otherwise significant puzzle, the question remains ; to blend into the background or to bust out and express my importance. Its the ultimate struggle.. for anyone..  But it will do you a great service to remember that Rome was not built in a day & the greatest creator on earth took time to get it right. Patience is a virtue... The hardest, but most beneficial characteristic to have. ----


Saturday, December 15, 2012


Mkay im gonna go on a mini rant . 
I absolutely hate the final 2-3 weeks of school for one reason:
STUPID TEACHERS failed to do their FREAKING job and wasted too much God DAMN time throughout the semester  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SO, instead of them revising their final exam to what they covered throughout the semester, they decide to CRAM in the ish we never got too. SO my As that I worked to maintain throughout the semester becomes jeopardized because they start throwing labs and projects and papers and unnecessary shit i barely have time to do because all them ducks decided to waste time. 
that pisses me all the way off. 

next semester, im gonna schedule a conference with each of my teachers and stress the importance of time management because i refused to be overwhelmed at the end of the semester. 
Nani. Merp.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

The Haitian.

So, there is this kid in my 3rd period class. His parents are Haitians, straight from Haiti. He swears that he is Hispanic and that Haiti is apart of Latin American. So, here is a map of Latin America.
Please, someone tell me if you see the island of Haiti anywhere in the Latin America region. It is not. I don't see it. Below is a picture of the Caribbean, where you will definitely find the island of Haiti.
Clearly.! Haiti is right beside The Dominican Republic, right in the middle of the CARIBBEAN SEA! Hence it being in the Caribbean & not in Latin America. So sorry kid, you are Haitian, not Hispanic. Your country resides in the Caribbean and not Latin America.  
I rest my case, that is all , & here is proof. 
[[ Kimmi.Merp.]]  -__-

Mkay! so my twin and i have finally decided on names we will go by the names Kimmi and Nani :) hope y'all like em. 
just to be clear 
Kimmi = purple entries
Nani(me) = green entries. 


Hi there, I'm the other half of  'The Twins'. As she stated in the GRAND OPENING we haven't come up with names yet, but let me tell you a little bit about me.

I graduate in about 5 months &17 days. I am not foreign (although my 'sister' there happens to be). I love to read & I have a passion for big words. Music is my everything and i also writ poetry.  --- Speaking of poetry i have a mini blog just for my poetry, it shall be up & running very soon. I advise you to check it out & comment. I take advice, and i take real life situations. So if you're going through something that you dont my sharing you can email it to me & i can make & dedicate a poem just for you.! ---  If you ever want to get me rowdy say something ignorant, or try to dispute fact with opinion. If you ever want to get me excited, lets talk shoes & i mean anything from target brand to designer labels, i dont discriminate. I cant tell you exactly what I'll write about or exactly when i will write, but tune in & you may see something you like :D

Well , this is me. You'll love me or you'll hate me. 
                                                  Merp. :P

Tf -_-

Soo.... Im doing a little research.. Seeing exactly how easy it is to stumble across this blog and i find this

Who in the hell gives their organization the acrynom MERP !!!???
My face.

I am no longer happy. NO BUENO.

cute baby shower favor. OPI Nail Polish I think this idea is SO cute, and if you don't know the gender you can do ALL sorts of colors (blue, green, pink, purple, etc.) and let the guests pick! And the little sign can just say 'Thank you!' or something :)The Merps are Born!Thanks for attending the GRAND OPENING of TheMerps. To be completely honest, i have no idea what will be said in this blog for two reasons:
 -This will be co-written between i and my ,should be sister.
   -We have an awful habit of rambling, depleting the idea of a
    themed blog. 

Here's some things you should know about how we'll run this blog:
  • I will write in green.
  • She will write in purple.
  • That is how you shall differentiate who is writing what. :)
  • We haven't thought of names for ourselves (we aint bout to put our names on the internet cause people craycray.)
  • Things will be written spontaneously  there will be no set schedule to our entries. (once again having to do with the whole co-writing ish)
  • Lastly, we will close all written entries with the phrase: merp,followed by a period. 