Thursday, December 13, 2012


Hi there, I'm the other half of  'The Twins'. As she stated in the GRAND OPENING we haven't come up with names yet, but let me tell you a little bit about me.

I graduate in about 5 months &17 days. I am not foreign (although my 'sister' there happens to be). I love to read & I have a passion for big words. Music is my everything and i also writ poetry.  --- Speaking of poetry i have a mini blog just for my poetry, it shall be up & running very soon. I advise you to check it out & comment. I take advice, and i take real life situations. So if you're going through something that you dont my sharing you can email it to me & i can make & dedicate a poem just for you.! ---  If you ever want to get me rowdy say something ignorant, or try to dispute fact with opinion. If you ever want to get me excited, lets talk shoes & i mean anything from target brand to designer labels, i dont discriminate. I cant tell you exactly what I'll write about or exactly when i will write, but tune in & you may see something you like :D

Well , this is me. You'll love me or you'll hate me. 
                                                  Merp. :P

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