Monday, December 17, 2012


Hope is a drug. It blinds you from all that is reality. It alters your state of being, allowing you to deal with things you never would and indulge in situations you would normally avoid. It messes with your sight allowing you to see things that do not exist. 

My advice to all: don't get excited for things that are not manifested(real) Unless things are, in reality, positive,keep up your guard. do not allow people to walk in and stab and twist a knife in your heart. REMEMBER that you are a wonderful person and no one can should be able to come into your life and leave it in pieces without having the audacity to clean up the mess they made. Remember who you are and let no one make you happy because only YOU can make yourself happy. Don't give someone 70% of yourself and leave you with only 30. Stay true to yourself :)

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